How is Medi Prep a One-Stop MCAT platform?
Study Plan for 6 and 12 months subscribers
The study plan acts as a guideline for a comprehensive preparation from the start to finish to help ease your being overwhelmed with the amount of content. Best part is you can edit it as you like too!
Content is one part but attacking the MCAT-passaged based and content-only questions is another obstacle that students must ace. Medi Prep has prepared topic-based live sessions and MCAT Bootcamp for preppers with 25% discount for 6 months subscribers and 30% discount for 12 months subscribers.
1 hour SOP Consultation
After the MCAT is the writing of the personal statement or statement of purpose (SOP), we have Aj. Rani, who has helped students write their best SOP for various medical schools, to help guide you personally and privately at your convenience!
MEDI PREP Plan and Pricing
6,000 Baht per month
THB 6,000 $NaN*
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  • 7 days Free Trial (only selected chapters can be watched)
  • Unlimited access to all Thai & English Videos
4,500 Baht per month | 25% off
THB 27,000 $NaN*
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  • 7 days Free Trial (only selected chapters can be watched)
  • Unlimited access to all Thai & English Videos
  • Free 6 Months Study Plan
  • 25% discount for our Future Live Session
  • Free 1 hour SOP (Statement of Purpose) Consultation
3,900 Baht per month | 35% off
THB 46,800 $NaN*
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  • 7 days Free Trial (only selected chapters can be watched)
  • Unlimited access to all Thai & English Videos
  • Free 12 Months Study Plan
  • 30% discount for our Future Live Session
  • Free 1 hour SOP (Statement of Purpose) Consultation
*use for approximate US dollar exchange rate only
Our Subjects
With or without scientific backgrounds, we’ve got you covered.
Either you're approaching the MCAT with a limited knowledge or in need of advanced techniques, our 300 hours of high-quality lessons ensure the takers will be equipped with all skills assessed by the MCAT.
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26 Aug 2022
What is a good MCAT score?
The score required by various universities differ, read on to find out by how much.